These aren't my vids though. This is just to remind the fun we had with B2ST. Thanks to the provider of these fancams. I have some though. But I'm seated a little further than these people and their quality is so much better than mine.
Shinyoung: If your girlfriend was acting as childish and hyper as this, like Yoseob just did, how would you react?
*Gikwang as girlfriend*
Shinyoung: Ah, so Gikwang would dance along! You have to act like a girl, you have to act like a girl! Ah….very good…! If you danced like this, Yoseob’s reaction would be..!
Yoseob: My honey is so cute! *kiss*
*Dongwoon as girlfriend*
Shinyoung: Where are you going, where are you going, where are you going!
Gikwang: He’s so scary, I’m so scared, I’m so scared!
Shinyoung: That wasn’t hyper, that was scary. If he acted like this, Gikwang’s reaction would be…!
Gikwang: Minimize it.
*Hyunseung as girlfriend*
Shinyoung: Like a girl, like a girl…!
Dongwoon: I didn’t know it was like this…what am I supposed to do? I should just leave!
Doojoon: Run away, you have to run away.
Yoseob: Break up, break up with her!
*Junhyung as girlfriend*
Hyunseung: I think it’s not yet something easy to concentrate on.
*Doojoon as girlfriend*
Junhyung: Shave your armpits….. *burst into laughter*
*Yoseob as girlfriend*
Doojoon: In reality, 90% of men want to do this. It’s at NRB, isn’t it? The thing they will do is…! *Doojoon “kisses” Yoseob*
::trans is not mine.credited to the unknown translator::
Wae he become the lead instead of his hyungs? Wae. haha! Ok, this song is growing on me. Feels so weird without Xander and Kibum. FinalLy an MV that doesn't portray gayness, or whatever that always make me feel disgusted one kind when watching their other MV.
@ 2:10 PM
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
♥ [ENG] TOP drunk dials UFO. Is rapper.
Ommona. I won't make fun of your dance anymore. So depressed he.. :(
@ 3:27 AM
Monday, March 14, 2011
I know KIKI has always have been like the boyfriend material kind, but this one totally make me mega love him. So got the fatherly / family man image.You adorkable you.
@ 12:42 AM
Friday, March 11, 2011
I don't know why. Every time I see him (above), reminds me of him (below). TOP's look like the gangster version of Minho. I think I only see it that way. Nobody seems to agree, as of now.
Yes I know TOP.
Why am I talking about him?
Song of the month (and possibly of 2011) : tonight by BIGBANG.
I wasn't a VIP (BIGBANG fanclub name thingy) But this song totally make me want to convert to a VIP.
i love both the vid's cheo. So smart. I know I'm one week late. But I post in my playlist first mah. So not late. haha. BYE.
@ 6:48 PM
Hello nasty, meet nice.
Indicate bloggress as IRYANI
Gimme' stuffs on 9TH JULY
I ♥travelling.
I HATEwaiting for people.
There's nothing much to know about me.
Sorry if my life is not as UPBEAT as yours.
Not so friendly. yaddah..yaddah!
Thank you for wanting to visit me though.
Once again, thank you, goodbye
& Have a nice day!
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