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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

be happy and appreciate the people around you, before its too late.

& excited about tmr.. hehe..y? you may ask..because on the 1st graffiti meeting tmr after skl.. theres goner be games..! yayya!

in my own opinion..as a friend, im such a sucker. i really dont know how to comfort people. the situation always got worser. the very reason I should JUST SHUT UP!!!.its useless with me around. i just wanner make a difference among all. well, ya i did make it, but in a negative way. STAY STRONG, ANNE!

p.s. i dont like that clique. esp... SOMEONE thinks hes funny.

i just dont know know why he is in it. ( indirectly.) pls dont boy, and ya, do smtng abt your hair. but dont cut it. i like your emo hair. (:

@ 9:52 PM

Monday, April 28, 2008

5 reasons why I'm heartbroken.
by that, its both heartbroken and angry/ dissapointed.

1) the guy i suke.. she also suke.

2) i'm soooo hating the project! and the teacher.. I ask her about what am I supposed to do.. she just keeps overlapping what I'm goner say. pallebutto siak die!

3) I was told that my class are going to have a lower chance of progressing on to poly.

4) those freaks just keeps talking behind my back sia.. i mean.. what the hell did I do to you ppl? taik siak.if i tak maintain kan.. habis korang. haha! nk step gangster nmpk!

5) he treats me as though I'm a toy gitu. get this straight, AKU BUKAN BONEKA! grr! siak punye laki. is like no diff if got laki or not la.

aku benci ah dier! perangai mcm dog sia. pukimak! son of a bitch! grr!ako hint kat dier top up aku dah low.. die mute ajek. guys with words and no actions. BIASER AH!


perhaps its retribution. its something in the past i did wrong. i wasnt two timing because I want to. its just.. man.. the very reason relationships dont last long? I just dont waner talk about it.

Dari hati kini ku sadari
Tak semestinya aku berkasih
Dikala hati tak dapat berbagi
Baiknya rasa itu tersimpan dalam
Semestinya aku mencinta
Seharusnya aku menyanyang
Oh maafkan jika semua ini yang kuberikan.... untukmu
Dari hati kini kusadari
Tak semestinya aku berkasih.

( emo siak anne! ) haha~!

i realised smthng. I wasnt as bad as I was before. thats my resolution in the past. I want to be good. ( really, ok? ) the thing is.. it succeeded. but now.. I got a problem. I want to get back it. when I was bad.. im soooooo freaking bad.. when I am good.. alah! you noe ah.. orang ingat aku goody two shoes. nah! its like.. more to selenge ah.. tao tak per..haha.. i dont rmb what was the badddest thing I did at skol sey.sejak start buat accountings kan.. dah biol sikit ah.. its like.. im talking to myself sia.. its mcm.. ok yani.. bank debit ke credit? returns inwards is suppose to be what? dah balance a/c lum? eh.. alamak salah buat la.. duduk seblah aida pon leh giler siol.. semua orang ingat die pendiam. padehal.. kecoh siak die. haha.. semua same cetak ah. reminds me of someone.. hmm... ya.mcm yana kan? haha. haiz.~ i miss my friends. or just reminded of my friends. everyone here reminds of every person I noe. MAN! SHUDDUP la me!

hj, I dont know what your real motive is.. oh wait! i want to share with you ppl the msg he sent me days, if not, wks ago.

1 day u'll
b surprised..

2 see






juz u& me


tell me, shud i ( singing time! )
SMACK[Smack that, all on the floor,
Smack that, give me some more,
Smack that, 'till you get sore
Smack that, oooh.
~! ]THAT guy not? haha.

layankan aku sikit?! LAYANKAN SI PEK EM NI.L OL. tgh mendak ni.. haha.

when I see through many of my primary friends in friendster, haiz.. they change sooo much sia.. its only been a few years you know.. time really moves fast eh? and then I look at myself, have I changed a lot.? all i rmb is that azu used to say im obedient or smthng like that. well, time changes and she saw the changes before we all even parted. haiz! i only know one thing that remains in their minds.." uh? YANI.. YANG KUDUT TU EH? DAH GAIN WEIGHT DIER?".. "OUH! YANI YANG TINGGI TU!! PSL TAK CKP SIANG2?" haiz.. aku tao lah bende 2 ni..

i was also wondering today..( BECAUSE.. i've started to eat baby tomatoes quite often kan.... ) how long does it take to have natural rosy cheeks..how many tomatoes will give the natural rosy cheeks.? do you know the answer? hmm... ( dont mind me, because I'm always very random kinda person. so..well.. ya.. )

p.s. my feelings are all so mixed up now. and you are cute, boy. =)

@ 5:21 PM

i insist that he walks alone. just hope he will not be lead astray.

@ 4:36 PM

Thursday, April 24, 2008


@ 10:40 AM

Saturday, April 19, 2008

hi ppl.. noe what im thinking? haiz.. i want to gain weight.. ppl sae those with anorexia giler2 nak lose weight kan? i giler2 nak gain weight ah.. so here i am.. on my diet.. well.... at least nort yetttt... hahaa... wanna noe wad it consists of? haha.. junk food! chocolates! all the fatty stuff! not all oily food though.. ( like that diet will work.. )got to start on it alrd. wait till i buy all those goodies.. yum2.... the thing im fed up is that i lost the weight I gained during the hols. SHIT!

ps. sorry hj!

@ 4:46 PM

Friday, April 18, 2008

actually.. my class quite ok.. quite similar to A1.. but IQF is slighty more livelier.. the ppl are not as quiet.. just slightly more.. whats the word?.. hmmm.... friendlier? hehe.... ( but the basic thing.. they just talk more.. ) and I can get used to the ppl here.. except for papa sim.. banyak colok ah die tu! hes the only one whu haven start teaching.. except for sports & wellness.. i miss 5a1 too..

the canteen food sucks GILERRRRR man.. tu ah korang ckp aku tak mkn kan.. haiz..bawak bekal ah kalau dah mcm gini...haha.. i miss uncle richman. (:

ya.. accountings quite tough..ya.. but I managed to get a grip of myself.. NAPFA is coming up soon as I was told.. haha.. damn man.. better get back in shape soon.. must do well man.. because i've got to be SOMEBODY man! lol.

ps. i miss you, hj.

gtg. must do my accounting fundamentals homework ah..

@ 4:09 PM

Monday, April 14, 2008

hello! today is my first day of school..

my class is IQF.. woa.. I come skl must go foyer check which class I belong to.. man!the no. of ppl in the the early childhood and business admin ppl is not as much as accounting sei.. the Q damn long sei.. the ppl quite friendly.. budak bowen mcm tak der ajek.. oh well.. my class the majoritiy cinoneh sei.. yea.. i feel so outcast.. my friends also said that.. is because i dont talk too much.. the ppl I waent out with the whoile day.. If you ask me to rmb the names.. i cant still rmb yet..haha..opps! that girl reminds me of... i dont noe.. so cute la when she laugh.. loud sia.. hehe.. man.. games was fun.. but my shoes was like sooooo killing me.. the blisters... argh! haha..

tml must come skl at 8 am.. early sia.. gtg! need to tuck in early.. nitey- nite! (:

@ 6:30 PM

Sunday, April 13, 2008


HAHA.. I am kinda nervous now.. goner meet new ppl.. im not that gregarious as before.. ya.. its a bad thing of course.. damn! MINGLE OUT MORE, YOU BLOKE HEAD! HAH..

im goner miss waking up late in the afternoon.. haha.. hope everything works out fine.. and I dont look like a Barnacle head.. hehe..( fingers crossed. )

hmm.. he the whole day nvr msg me.. except for asking me to call him.. ( but I didnt ).. mendak sia.. he must be furious that his off day was not spent with me.. ( alah.. no mamok ah.. I LOVE YOU,you know.. ) he is like soo manis.. at least to me.. I dont really care that he hensem not.. all I ask is that.. he respect me for who I am.. and that..he is sincere.. other than that.. nothing else matters..


@ 9:51 PM

Saturday, April 12, 2008

he mentioned en passant that.. "HE WANTS ME."

@ 3:58 PM

Friday, April 11, 2008

p.s. any questions pertaining to this week's topic WILL SOOO NOT BE REPLIED. thank you for your understanding.

~ TODAY'S TOPIC IS about the 3 H'S ~

k.. tok about H1.. k.. so what if he smokes? you don't judge ppl like that you noe.. and you shudnt treat him differently just because you found out his secret.. I respect him for the way he is.. PLEASE!!!.. dont think i'm crazy abt him or i like him what not..is just that.. he is just popular among the girls, thats all.. ( i think..) so.. please dont associate us as though we are together and those sorta stuff.. BECAUSE THAT IS SUPER LAME!!!I really see him as a friend.. nothing more than that.. you can make me swear on that..


I dont wanT anybody else asking if I STILL like him.. you all geddit? its kinda tiring when the questions I get like this becomes too frequent.. SO STOP with all the rumours about me STILL liking him.. GEE! move on ppl!

then ah.. abt H2.. Nonot just broke up with him.. actually, dumped him.. ( finally!) salutations! kudos to her.. baru padan muke dier.. haha! FCUKING PLAYBOY! lol! Man.. he really deserves that.. then he perasaan that someone told him.. that Nonot mati2 nak patch ngan dier.. he think he who sia.. ohh.. puhhh-lease la ehk!! bilang die.. WHATEVVVER la ehk!!! MAN!! SOME PEOPLE ( when i say that..that means.. H2 ) THINK HE SOOOOO HANDSOME!!!! HAHAH! WAKE UP MAN!!!!! gee! some people masih tak sedar diri sei.. please come back to your senses and move on with life la man.. wake up and move on.. den Nonot is like.. siape siak yang bilang kao tu.. anw.. she is soooo over him.. actually.. she tried to dump him long time ago.. only now she suceed.. hahah.. haiz.. I wonder what happen to him now man.. now that he is in this state.. I mean its your retribution.. you shudnt have treated me like that in the past.. and if you treated me differently.. things wont turn out this way.. you always wanT to listen to Y.. I MEAN..you must love someone WITH YOUR HEART, NOT LISTENING WHAT YOUR FRIEND SAYS.. I cant believe you actaully listen to him.. dont you have your own brain to think about this? are you even man enough to stand up for your rights? ok fine! this is nothing you know.. you still want to mock me in front of your friends..dont you think it's too much?.. and you tot.. I soooooo jealous that you were with Nonot.. I mean... PUH--LEASSE MAN!!! gimme a break! i have moved on ok.. unlike YOU!haha..

KK..last but not least.. it is H3.. kk.fine.. he told her.. that he dont recognise me much..FINE!! me too! MAN! i got nothing much to say about this freak man..but there's SOMETHING FISHY going on around here.. I sense a love triangle coming up soon ( AKAN DATANG!) haha.. ( wait.. IM SOOOOO NOT in this triangle..)

( i feeeeeeel soooooooooo much better nowwww!! ) haha!

ok.. wait up for the next post.. soon.. cherrios lovely ppl! ~

@ 1:32 PM

Monday, April 07, 2008

IM FEELING quite shittish todae.. I hate it.. I felt soooo heartbroken.. haiz.. I also feel CHEATED!! hE USED ME to get Back at her. ( im so sorry.. I dont like to include names here.. so feel free to terase.. ) I was totally pissed off when I saw the heart above drawn a few months back.. when I saw it again.. I used the orange pen to hmm.. scribble and at the same time tear it apart..

@ 10:48 PM

Saturday, April 05, 2008

looks like butter rite? haha.. its durian ice cream.. when I told Azy that.. she straight away dont want eat.. hahah..

@ 5:16 PM

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Hello nasty, meet nice.
Indicate bloggress as IRYANI
Gimme' stuffs on 9TH JULY
I travelling.
I HATE waiting for people.
There's nothing much to know about me.
Sorry if my life is not as UPBEAT as yours. Not so friendly. yaddah..yaddah!
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Once again, thank you, goodbye
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