Monday, September 28, 2009
♥ Formula One weekend
I would love to go to another F1 race.. but this time watch.. not work..
The sounds of the F1 cars sounded great on teeve..
In real life, its super intoxicating.
Ahhhh, sungguh gerek seh dot com.
Earplugs or not, your eardrums won't bleed. But please wear if you're going..
I dowana be blamed later..
Someone sponsor the next ticket please? ( Hint hint...*)
So close yet so far.. SO COOL. shaky hands? not so cool.
There were quite a number of the visitors took pics of us.. ah!!! shy shy!!
There's also one who said.. "This pic is going to my fb account." LOL.
By the end of the 3 days at there, I've have learnt one thing..
I basically memorized the seating gallery of Marina Bay platform..
The tourists were pretty enthusiastic about the race. So am I..
"How do I get to paddock?"
Apparently, no offence, but to caucasians generally, paddock and padang..
its the same pronunciation.
"I so fucking love Singapore!!!" said a super excited tourist.
double LOL. so cute.
other group photos could be found in fb.
last day.. everybody leaving to zone 4.. which is towards the esplanade..
there's nothing much to say about this..
(Apart from the new friendships made through those 3 days.)
No words can describe how grateful I was just to be a part of this.
and I learnt a new word from a Jap tourist,
"arigato gozaimas terima kasih baybeh!!"
It sounded so cute when he said that..